The Call for Abstracts for the CAGP-CCSMH 2025 Annual Scientific Meeting is now OPEN!
DEADLINE FOR SESSION ABSTRACTS (Clinical Case, Deep Dive, Oral, Symposium, or Workshop Presentations):
March 25, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. ET
DEADLINE FOR POSTER ABSTRACTS: June 1, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. ET
Further details may be requested from those whose abstracts are accepted. Selected abstracts will be published in the CAGP-CCSMH ASM Book of Abstracts and in a future issue of the Canadian Geriatrics Journal (
Veuillez cliquer ici pour consulter la version française. The 2025 ASM will be held in Calgary, Alberta, from October 18-19. We are excited to be heading to another sensational setting to learn, share, and network with our colleagues from across the country! This year’s theme is “Centring the Margins for Seniors' Mental Health: Bridging Gaps Through Innovation, Advocacy and Collaboration.” Within this theme, we encourage submissions from all interest holders on innovative approaches to enhance geriatric mental system capacity, including emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, interdisciplinary intersections like ethics and geriatric mental health, interventions prioritising care for those who are underserved and marginalized, best practices for promoting mental health and well-being in older adults, and developing cultural humility and reducing disparities in geriatric mental health care. Submissions that highlight any new or emerging topics, research, or programming are also encouraged. Multidisciplinary perspectives and content geared toward trainees are welcome, as always! We invite you to participate and welcome abstract submissions from across the country and from all disciplines. We hope you will join us at the preeminent meeting for seniors’ mental health in Canada. Sincerely, The 2025 ASM Planning Committee |
Abstract Submission Guidelines
Information about Abstract Submissions
The abstract categories are defined as follows:
Clinical Case Presentation: This presentation is intended for informative clinical cases. There should be maximal audience participation, interaction, and discussion. The clinical case must be supported by literature and evidence around the teaching and learning points.
Oral Presentation: An oral presentation is approximately 15 minutes in length (the exact time will be confirmed, but this presentation typically consists of an 11-minute talk followed by a 4-minute question and answer period).
Symposium: A symposium is a presentation that consists of two or three separate talks around a similar theme and is 60-90 minutes in duration. To submit your symposium, fill in the required fields, including the overall session abstract and an abstract of no more than 250 words for each individual talk within the symposium.
Workshop: Workshops are 60–90 minute interactive sessions designed to provide hands-on learning experiences and allow attendees to explore specific topics in depth and develop practical skills and/or knowledge. Facilitators often use case studies, group activities, and discussions to engage participants actively. By participating in workshops, attendees can gain insight into best practices, as well as emerging and innovative approaches in their respective fields. Interactive workshops come in various formats, each designed to engage participants and foster collaboration.
Deep-Dive Presentation: A deep-dive presentation is 60 minutes in length, presented by an individual speaker. Deep-dives are suited to sessions offering an in-depth scholarly exploration of a topic with relevant literature review as it relates to 1. Research; 2. Clinical Practice; 3. Program Design, Delivery, and Innovation; and 4. Learning and Development.
Poster Presentation: There will be dedicated poster sessions scheduled throughout the meeting, at which presenters will have the opportunity to interact with delegates. There will also be an award for Top Poster Presenter and our very popular Track Poster Session for trainees, which is a facilitated poster session allowing the presenter the opportunity to receive constructive feedback.
For a sample of an abstract, please take a look at the Book of Abstracts from 2024.
Learning Objectives
All submissions require three learning objectives. Key information about Royal College expectations for learning objectives can be found here. Please avoid verbs that are often used but are open to many interpretations (e.g., appreciate, have faith in, know, learn, understand, believe). Click here for a link to suggested verbs.
L'Académie canadienne de gérontopsychiatrie (ACGP) et la Coalition canadienne pour la santé mentale des personnes âgées (CCSMPA) ont le plaisir d'annoncer que l'appel de résumés pour la Réunion scientifique annuelle (RSA) est maintenant en cours! La RSA 2025 se tiendra à Calgary, Alberta, du 18 au 19 octobre. C'est avec enthousiasme que nous nous rendons dans un autre cadre sensationnel pour apprendre, partager et travailler en réseau avec nos collègues de tout le pays! Le thème de cette année est « Réduire les inégalités dans le domaine de la santé mentale des personnes âgées : combler les lacunes par l’innovation, la sensibilisation et la collaboration ». Dans ce cadre, nous encourageons toutes les parties intéressées à soumettre des candidatures d’approches innovantes visant à renforcer les capacités du système de santé mental gériatrique, qu’il s’agisse de technologies émergentes telles que l’intelligence artificielle, d’intersections interdisciplinaires telles que l’éthique et la santé mentale gériatrique, d’interventions privilégiant les soins aux personnes défavorisées et marginalisées, de meilleures pratiques pour promouvoir la santé mentale et le bien-être des personnes âgées, d’un développement des compétences culturelles ou d’une réduction des disparités dans les soins de santé mentale gériatrique.Les candidatures présentant des sujets, des recherches ou des programmes nouveaux ou émergents sont également encouragées. Comme d'habitude, les perspectives multidisciplinaires et les contenus destinés aux stagiaires sont les bienvenus! Nous vous invitons à participer en grand nombre. Nous accueillons les soumissions de résumés provenant de toutes les disciplines ainsi que des quatre coins du pays. Nous espérons vous voir lors de cette réunion importante sur la santé mentale des personnes âgées au Canada. Dates limites: On se voit à Calgary! Cordialement, |
Directives pour la soumission des résumésDates limites : Renseignements sur la soumission de résumé
Définitions des catégories de résumés Les catégories de résumés se définissent comme suit :
Objectifs d'apprentissage Toutes les soumissions doivent contenir trois objectifs d'apprentissage. Vous trouverez ici des renseignements importants sur les attentes du Collège royal concernant les objectifs d'apprentissage. Veuillez éviter les verbes qui sont communément utilisés, mais qui sont sujets à des interprétations variées (p. ex., croire, apprécier, penser, être conscient de, etc.). Cliquez ici pour consulter une liste de verbes suggérés. Instructions