Each year the CAGP seeks nominations for the Annual Award for Outstanding Contributions in Geriatric Psychiatry. This award recognizes a geriatric psychiatrist who has made a significant contribution to geriatric psychiatry in Canada through education, research or innovations in service delivery.
The award (which includes a complimentary conference registration and gala dinner ticket) will be presented at the 2025 CAGP-CCSMH Annual Scientific Meeting to be held in Calgary on October 18 - 19, 2025. The award will also be acknowledged at the Annual Conference of the Canadian Psychiatric Association, to be held in Vancouver on October 22 - 25, 2025.
Nominations are reviewed by the Awards committee, with the process favoring those who have not previously received the Award. Applicants will be considered for a 3 year period, during which time supplemental information can be submitted on the applicant.
The nominee must meet some or all of the qualities outlined below.
The nominee:
- Has demonstrated leadership, both within his/her own organization and elsewhere in the field of geriatric mental health. Leadership may include local, national and international influence. It may have occurred in the CanMEDS areas of Medical Expert, Manager and/or Health Advocate. Leadership within Canada will be given the greatest weight.
- Has a proven ability in innovative problem-solving and decision-making.
- Exhibits high ethical standards and integrity in all aspects of their work.
- Demonstrates a commitment to patient/older adult advocacy in the public policy field.
The nominee has demonstrated significant accomplishment in:
- Educational and scholastic activities designed to add to the body of knowledge in the field of geriatric mental health care.
- Support to professional organizations dedicated to improving the lives of older adults affected with mental health problems and illnesses.
- Being a role model and motivates/mentors others in the pursuit of excellence with research, education or clinical care in the area of geriatric psychiatry.
- Capacity for care and compassion to clients, colleagues and students alike.
Nomination Procedure
The nomination must include the following:
- A written statement by the nominator concerning the merit of the individual’s contribution with regards to the above-mentioned qualities in sufficient detail to allow assessment by the Selection Committee.
- The nominee’s curriculum vitae.
- The nominee must be a member in good standing of the CAGP.